
In 2023, 
I took ownership of the research design initiative that increased HealingBridge’s couples workshop attendance by 326% and its earnings by $13,482/workshop while helping couples reconnect.


What is HealingBridge Therapy?

HealingBridge has served over 3,000 clients in couples therapy and continues to work with the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs, Gottman Institute, and clients all over the U.S., reaching over 1.8k people with their couples workshops.

ROLE: UX Research, UX/UI Design

PLATFORMS: Web and Mobile

TIMEFRAME: 2023 - Present

Old vs. new couples workshop page


Low number of signups for the couples workshops

Current Signups: Average 5-6 couples/workshop

Goal: 25 couples per workshop


Stakeholder Interview

KPI’s to measure:

  • Referral rates

  • Google reviews

  • Post-workshop surveys

  • How quickly are clients able to learn workshop tools and use them in their relationships?

User Interviews


Referred by their therapist


Referred by a friend


Saw an ad through the Gottman therapy network

Using data from 143 past attendees

  • 50% of couples quit OR attend a couples workshop after their first appointment package (4 sessions).

  • After 12 sessions, many couples either quit therapy or attend a workshop.

Requirements and Constraints

  • Legal Requirements - sensitive, private information

  • Business Constraints: There are very few “recurring members” because the Couples Workshop is a one-off for couples to learn certain tools. What other services can we offer to couples who have attended the workshop?

  • Competition: serves as a marketplace for 120 therapy practices offering couples workshops each year. This triggered HealingBridge’s need to stand out and cultivate a unique audience. Since being added to Gottman’s network, HealingBridge has successfully held 2 workshops each year with 10 couples on average at each. HealingBridge’s goal is to 25 couples/workshop, totaling 50 couples/year. This is projected to happen within the next 2-3 years.


Customer Journey Mapping - Key Insights

  • Workshops are dependent on referrals and the Gottman network.

  • Although the information was present on the website, almost every couple that signed up emailed with questions.

  • Transparency to both people in a couple is key = open communication lines

Here’s a visual for a customer finding and purchasing a HealingBridge Couples Workshop:

Is there an opportunity to stand out from the competition?

  • Include a cancellation policy

  • Use visual aids to display information clearly

  • Real photos from workshops instead of stock photos

  • Quotes/reviews from former attendees front and center

Competitor Sites

Why I chose the pattern I chose:

  • Mobile-first focused

  • Text punctuated by visuals for clarity and simplification

  • Empathetic marketing on the site shows real life workshops for emotional value

  • Based on Gottman marketplace (they have the most research on couples workshops)

Defining Personas

I found two patterns in my interviews and the data of 143 past workshop attendees:

  1. The client referred to a HealingBridge Workshop by a friend

  2. The client who is interested in the Gottman Method, has had at least 4 sessions at HealingBridge, and wants to learn more.



I was limited to a certain color range but made accessibility a primary focus as I designed the forward-facing site. As a result of user research, I incorporated transparency of price, quotes from past participants, moved the CTA above the fold, and included a FAQ’s section for any additional questions.

Further Impact

Beyond re-designing the Couples Workshop page, I made adjustments to the structure of the entire Couples Workshop signup system:

  • I created automations within our system when appropriate - freeing up our team’s time.

  • The data showed how valuable referrals AND the Gottman Institute are to our users so I recommended investing in advertising on Gottman’s website as well as instituting a referral promo to benefit users and the business all at once.

  • I also met with the Stakeholder and reviewed past participants’ feelings on traveling to the location and booking hotels. I suggested teaming up with a hotel for a group discount while offering the option for attending the Workshop virtually.

Automizing the user flow in scheduling



Automizing first time appointments

HealingBridge uses “The Gottman Method,” a practice that requires clients to schedule their first four appointments all at once. My job was to automate this action, working with our developers to do so. First, I created the different types of services clients can choose when signing up. Then I created the ability to schedule a package (including up to four services). With the way our current system works, I had to create different types of packages depending on the user wanting a telehealth or in-person appointment.

To solve this problem, I created options to mix and match telehealth and in-person appointments in a first appointment package. Now, when the user schedules a session, they can not only choose telehealth or in-person appointments, but they can schedule all four of their first appointments at once without having to manually go back and schedule each of their first four appointments with fear of missing one.


After usability testing the new website, I incorporated a post-workshop survey into HealingBridge’s process for all workshop participants.

At the most recent workshop, there was a 326% increase in attendance, 20% increase in user satisfaction scores, and an influx of new clients requesting information for the next workshop.

The new website design also opened the door for adding “Singles Workshops” as a product because the Couples Workshop was so successful. With good practices in place, explicit KPI’s, and more of an understanding about our client-base, we were able to increase HealingBridge’s earnings per workshop by $13,482 while helping that many more couples reconnect in their relationship.

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